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Early arrivals/late departures

Dear Families,

I am writing to share our concerns about students being unsupervised in our school grounds before and after school.

Students arriving at school, without an adult, prior to 8:30am, are at risk of accident or stranger danger. We provide duty of care, and active supervision, from 8:30am each day. Students are NOT permitted to be in the school grounds before 8:30am unless they are accompanied by an adult.

At the end of the school day, parents/carers are expected to be at school by 2:55pm and to actively suoperive children who stay on at school for a play. Students are not permitted to be in our grounds unaccompanied after 2:55pm. Students who are outside without a suoervising adult will be required to sit in the front foyer until collected by oparents. Please telephone our office on 62 344950 if you are running late.

If you choose to stay at school for your children to have a play after 2:55pm, please ensure active supervision by closely monitoring what your children are doing and intervening where necessary. School day rules apply in the playground after school, eg. no climbing trees, no swearing, being safe and respectful. Children must not re-enter buildings and Area 3 is closed after school.

Families requiring before and/or after school care can contact Scots Uniting Childcare, who operate these services on our site.

Thank you for working together with us to keep our students safe.

kind regards,

Susan Jeffery


Snack Shack - Sushi AND Toasties

Toasted Cheese and Toasted Ham and Cheese Sandwiches added to Snack Shack!
With the unfortunate cancellation of the soccer games this weekend which we were hosting as part of the Hobart cup, we now have Toasted Sandwiches available as part of Sushi day on Thursday. Why not check it out and the other great items. Sushi orders open on Qkr until 4pm Tuesday. Toasted Sandwiches open on Qkr until Wednesday 6pm.

August 30 Newsletter

Click here to view the August 30 Schoolzine eNewsletter!

Satisfaction Survey for Families







Campbell Street Primary School

The 2024 School Satisfaction Surveys are here!

Every year the Department for Education, Children and Young People conducts a School Satisfaction Survey to find out what your child(ren)'s school does well and where it may improve.

We would be grateful if you completed our online survey about Campbell Street Primary School. Your feedback is very important to help us inform our school-planning and decision-making.

The survey is open from Monday 26 August 2024 until Friday 20 September 2024 and should take about 5 minutes to complete.

Each family should nominate one person to fill in this survey for their child(ren).

Take the online survey by clicking this Link, or pasting it in your browser:

The survey is carried out on a secure website and all responses are anonymous and confidential.

All families in this school received the same survey link and no identifying information is collected. A summary of the survey results will be provided to schools.  Responses from individuals or small groups will NOT be disclosed to any Department for Education, Children and Young People staff.

Please contact your school if you require any assistance.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this survey.

What's on this week?


Book Fair last day!

Our Book Fair is open for the last time today 2:30pm - 3:15pm. Don't miss out!

What's on this week?


August 16 Newsletter

Click here to view the August 16 Schoolzine eNewsletter!

August 16 Newsletter

Click here to view the August 16 Schoolzine eNewsletter!

Events today!

Are you coming along this afternoon for our Science Week Open Classroom event? Don't forget to pop into the library for a sneak preview of our Book Fair. We are also running a bake sale! Don't miss out?. Parking will be available on our courts from 1:40pm.