CSPS Newsletter 7/6/2024
Principal's Message
Dear Families,
It’s been a busy fortnight for Campbell Street Primary School! With our 3-5 Swimming & Water Safety Program well underway, classes are coping admirably with disrupted schedules, remaining focussed on learning and enjoying some additional learning experiences as well.
National Simultaneous Storytime
Recently our classes enjoyed participating in the annual Simultaneous Storytime event. This year’s story was Bowerbird Blues by award winning author and illustrator Aura Parker.
Students enjoyed the story either online or read by a present adult and then participated in follow up activities, some with Buddy Classes.
City to Casino
Congratulations to students, parents and staff who ran in last week’s City to Casino Fun Run. It was a beautiful day for a run and everyone put in a strong effort. Well done!
Move Well, Eat Well – Turn off!
There has been a great deal of discussion recently in the media about the amount of screen time experienced by children and the effects this can have. The poster below from the Move Well, Eat Well program offers some valuable advice around tackling the issue of too much screen time.
It is my great pleasure this year to be holding Library lessons with our K-2 classes each week. Did you know that reading to young children is an important way to help them build language skills? It exposes them to new words and ways of using language. It also helps them learn general information about the world, which makes it easier for them to learn about new subjects. In Library lessons, as well as enjoying lots of stories, we talk about parts of books, how books are stored in the Library, and how to choose wisely when borrowing. We also talk about the joy of re-reading favourite texts, like catching up with an old friend. Students are able to borrow up to 4 books at a time from our school library and can return the books on library day or any other school day. Angie is our Library Technician and is kept very busy organising library resources and sharing her vast knowledge of texts with students. In Term 3 we will be holding a “Book Fair” where a large range of new books will for sale at great prices.
Last week we had Year 5 and 6 students competing in their first round of Interschool Debating for 2024. It takes tremendous courage to stand up and make a speech in front of a room full of people and our students did themselves and CSPS proud. They will continue to practise and refine their skills ready for future debates.
Happy Long Weekend!
We head now into a four-day break for students – today (Friday 7th June) is a Professional Learning Day for Staff and a Student Free Day. This is followed by the King’s Birthday Public Holiday on Monday 10th June. We all wish our families a relaxing extended weekend and look forward to returning for a busy last few weeks of Term 2. Don’t forget that we have 4 more days of our 3-5 Swimming & Water Safety Program next week!
Best wishes
Susan Jeffery
Class News
Students in Prep have been learning about ‘what things are made of’ in Science. They have made binoculars as their tools to look closely at objects in the playground and in the classroom to determine what materials have been used.
In Maths, the students have been comparing the size of objects and they enjoyed building chairs from blocks of various heights to display their understanding. They have also been working on patterning.
Our daily phonics learning is producing some very keen readers and writers. The students thoroughly enjoy writing their new letters and words that they have learned on their whiteboards. Parents are reporting back that their children are finding lots of opportunities to practice their new skills and are recognising letters and words out in the community on signs and labels. Don’t be surprised if you find their new words written on foggy shower screens, on their hands and drawn in the dirt or sand. It is wonderful to see how keen they are to learn.
Our Kinders have been working on retelling a personal experience or event in logical sequence. To practice this skill, we made some yummy toast! The children used pictures to put the steps in the correct order and then verbally explained how to make toast.
We have also been exploring different nursery rhymes, including Row Row Row your Boat, Sleeping Bunnies and Five in the Bed. Children have used dramatic play to reenact the nursery rhymes.
Year 1/2FH
This term, we have been reading Tashi by Anna Fienberg as our class novel. In writing, we have been concentrating on narrative writing. In groups we wrote our own Tashi stories. The first group wrote the beginning of the story, the second group, the middle, and the last group wrote the ending.
Here are the stories the students collaboratively created:
Tashi and the diamond
Once upon a time, Tashi found a magic diamond and got sucked into it. “Let me out!” screamed Tashi. “I don’t want to live here.” Behind Tashi was a skeleton and Tashi punched it. The skeleton fell to the ground. Suddenly, the skeleton got sent out of the diamond and a zombie got sent in instead. Tashi didn’t know what to do. Then Tashi found another diamond. It sucked him out of the first diamond and away from the zombie. Tashi then went back to the village and celebrated.
Tashi and the monster
“One day, Tashi met a monster!” said Jack. It was invading their village. “What did he do?” asked dad. “Well, it was like this,” said Jack. Tashi was going to his aunt’s house but then he saw something weird. “Was it a monster?” asked Jack’s dad. “Right,” said Jack. Tashi crept up to the monster. The monster opened its jaws and roared. The monster started to chase Tashi. “Please don’t eat me,” said Tashi. Then the monster got closer. Tashi jumped so high he hit the monster’s head. Then Tashi got the idea to run away from the monster and he did.
Tashi and the penguins
Once upon a time, Tashi went on a vacation to the South Pole and saw some penguins. The penguins became friends with Tashi, but some of the penguins were evil! They were minions of a giant penguin. Soon enough they became so evil that they tried to eat Tashi but Tashi tricked them into eating a tree. Then Tashi ran away.
Tashi soon got lost in the ice. At that moment the evil penguins came back and they were so crazy that they started to make evil weapons to hurt Tashi.
Tashi ran as fast as he could and found a magic portal. The magic portal led him back to his village. They had a great feast to celebrate Tashi coming home. Tashi never saw the penguins again.
Tashi and the seven spiders
One day, Tashi was walking in the deep dark woods. Just then, seven big, bad spiders popped out. They crawled on Tashi’s clothes. One of the spiders was a redback. The redback spider bit Tashi. Tashi screamed! The spiders scuttled away. Tashi went back to the village with a bite mark on his shoulder. Then the bite mark turned into a nest. Tashi went to the doctor and she ripped the nest off but then she became a gigantic spider! Tashi got a cup of water and spilled it on the spider doc. The spider doc turned back into a person and that is the story of Tashi and the seven spiders.
Tashi meets his brother
Once upon a time, Tashi met someone and asked him, “Are you my brother?” He said, “I don’t know. Do you know?” Tashi replied, “probably.” Tashi told him to come to his house, so he did. He said, “I think I’ve been here before.” Suddenly, he turned into a monster and destroyed the house and kidnapped Tashi. He grabbed Tashi and Tashi yelled, “Let me go!” but the monster did not. The monster said, “I will take you to my cave and eat you up!” So he took Tashi to his cave and put him in a bowl. Then the monster said, “I will go to the stream and get some water.” Then Tashi thought up one of his good plans. He reached into his pocket and brought out a bottle and poured the liquid into the bowl. It melted the bowl and Tashi escaped. When the monster came back he bellowed with rage. Tashi ran back home and never saw the monster again.
For Maths this term, we have been focussing on reading time. The students are learning to read analogue and digital clocks to the hour, half hour and quarter hours. We have been consolidating our knowledge of reading time through different activities like boardgames, bingo, and memory match up.
Assembly Certificates
Assembly Certificares for Group B Tuesday the 28th of May
Home Reading Workshop for Parents
Wednesday 19th June 9:00am-10:00am
Need some support and ideas in helping your child read at home? Please come along and join us in the school Library.
Looking forward to seeing those that can make it.
Premier's Reading Challenge
The 2024 Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) is almost here!
The PRC is aimed at getting children to read more regularly and to help develop a love of reading for pleasure and leisure. Running for 10 weeks from Monday 17th June – Friday 23rd August, students are encouraged to make a reading goal for how many books they can read throughout the challenge period.
Students will receive their official PRC reading logs next week and are asked to record any books read by them, to them or with them over the 10 weeks. This can include home readers, library books, class novels, books read at home, anything! Be sure to keep the reading log sheet somewhere safe and bring it back to school at the end of the Challenge! Completed reading logs are due back by Friday 30th September. Spare reading log sheets will be available from the front office.
For more information about the Premier’s Reading Challenge visit:
Completing the Challenge is something to be proud of! We encourage all our students to participate!
Are you up for the challenge?
Good luck and happy reading!
What type of books can I read as part of the Premier’s Reading Challenge?
You can read anything during the Challenge! Books can include fiction, non-fiction, comics, magazines, picture books, textbooks, novels. Anything you read, log as a book!
You can also read a book in any format- print, digital, audiobooks and graphic novels.
Can I include my home reading books in my total?
Yes, students can also include books they read as part of their home reading program in their Premier’s Reading log.
Does it count if my family read the book to me?
Yes! Record any book you share with your family on your recording log sheet.
What if I only read a really long chapter book? Does it only count as one book?
Larger chapter books can be counted as more than one book – please talk to your teacher about how many chapters or pages can be counted as “one book”.
Where can I find book recommendations?
You can find book recommendations by heading to our 2023 Book List and Book Review page.
School Association
Another fun filled DISCO is just around the corner Qkr! is open to purchase tickets and to pre order snacks.
A reminder that this is a student only event.
Volunteers need to be pre-arranged with the organisers and must have a current Working with Vulnerable People registration as well as have completed the 15 minute online Safeguarding training.
Any parents who feel that they need to attend the disco with their child must speak with the Principal prior to the event.
*Voluteers still needed - get in touch at cspsa.chair@gmail.com
Scholastic Book Club
Latest Book Club catalogue out now. A great range of favourites and new releases. Closing date is 20th June.
Kindergarten Enrolment
Tasmanian Junior Chess Tournament
To all chess players attached is an invitation to attend the Junior Chess Tournament at Sacred Heart College.